The internet is full of tips to guide you on your parenthood journey. You can find a wide library of activities meticulously designed to “develop” children’s talents making it seem as though we were all programmed to learn and grow and think in the same manner, and as if we were just one more grain of sand on the beach of life. However, this cannot be further from the truth, and it’s so beautiful that it is.
We are all completely unique, as we all do not have the same abilities, and this is most definitely the most wonderful realizations we all grow to understand within society. Each of us has something different to contribute to this big world and global community, and it is through the constant exploration and development, where our full potential and abilities are achieved.
As the great Albert Einstein once said, “A being who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Creating an environment where children feel comfortable to try new activities, work through a new math problem, become interested in a science project, or even trying a new sport every other week; allows for the child’s mind to develop in a manner where they will grow up to be interested in learning something new without limiting their own abilities from the start. They’ll be able to explore and expand their horizons without ever stunting the growth of their potential as they grow older and on their way towards what success will ultimately mean to each and one of them.
Children observe and are inspired by all of the adults who surround them and aspire to be equally like those adults they encounter each day. As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child,” ensure the village is full of inspiration and opportunities where brain development can be encouraged and obtained. It is also the realization and understanding, that not every activity or sport or project will be a successful one; however, a chance to expand the knowledge that was once had and make room for even more.
So go with your little one and try a new sport or read a new book or learn a new trick, and encourage them through the tough moments that comes with trying something new and celebrating them once it is achieved or be there for them when it turns out to be an obstacle on the road towards success. Let them know, we are all great at something and that something is always meant for us. It is just a matter of trying and falling and getting up again because this time we are starting from a place full of knowledge. “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking that it is incapable of ever being successful” – Albert Einstein.